Friday, August 30, 2013

A Quote from Lean In

"I have written this book to encourage women to dream big, forge a path through the obstacles, and achieve their full potential. I am hoping that each woman will set her own goals and reach for them with gusto. And I am hoping that each man will do his part to support women in the workplace and in the home, also with gusto. As we start using talents of the entire population, our institutions will be more productive, our homes will be happier, and the children growing up in those homes will no longer be held back by narrow stereotypes." 
--Sheryl Sandberg

(p. 171)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Book Recommendation: Lean In

Image Credit: Neen James

Book: Lean In: 
Author: Sheryl Sandberg
Copyright: 2013
Publisher: Random House LLC
Type: Personal read, inspiration for all educators and in general
Where to get it: Library (always!), Powell's, Barnes & Noble and

More information: I highly suggest you watch her thought provoking TED talk that she gave in December 2010. She discusses the three points in her speech more thoroughly in her book.

Check out the website

Why ~

Men and women of any age and industry should read this book! Ms. Sandberg did an excellent job of discussing the importance of women progressing in the workforce and being able to also have a family. She does not claim that women can have it all, but that there can be more of a balance at home and at a work. I particularly liked how Ms. Sandberg advocated for more respect for men as well as for women. Men need to feel as though they can be active in their home life without being marginalized at work.

Her book is incredibly insightful, engaging and honest. She brings light to a topic that is not talked about enough. Women hold very few top positions in companies and political positions around the globe. This needs to change because women need to be represented.  If you're a woman, you should read this book to be inspired and given practical advice. If you're a man, you should read this book for being reminded that women need your support in the work place and the home. Together, we can create a better future for generations after us -- erasing the social limitations on gender and creating a world where both men and women can have more satisfaction at home and at work.

Head to your local library or order a used copy!

Happy reading!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Quote from My Beloved World

In efforts to keep my recommendation from being too long, I didn't put this quote in that post. I think Ms. Sotomayor's words are so thoughtful and inspiring, they must be shared. I have so much respect for this woman:

"The challenges I have faced -- among them material poverty, chronic illness, and being raised by a single mother -- are not uncommon, but neither have they kept me from uncommon achievements. For many it is a source of hope to see someone realize her dreams while bearing such burdens. Having caught people's attention in this way, I've thought long and hard about what lessons my life might hold for others, young people especially. How is it that adversity has spurred me on instead of knocking me down? What are the sources of my own hope and optimism? Most essentially, my purpose in writing is to make my hopeful example accessible. People who live in difficult circumstances need to know that happy endings are possible." 
--Sonia Sotomayor


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Book Recommendation: My Beloved World

Image Credit: Washington University in St. Louis

Book: My Beloved World
Author: Sonia Sotomayor
Copyright: 2013
Publisher: Knopf
Type: Personal read, inspiration for all educators and in general
Where to get it: Library (may still be a long hold), Barnes & Noble, or Powell's


I finished this book a few weeks ago, but didn't have the time to write a thorough recommendation (yes excuses but my Granny turned 102 and we had many celebrations!). I have to say, this is my favorite autobiography of the year so far. I was not able to put it down because of the way Ms. Sotomayor wrote. Her word choices were interesting and made her even more personable. I loved the way she wrote about her life from childhood until she became an Associate Justice of the Surpreme Court. At times I had to remind myself that I was reading a non-fiction book because she truly wrote her life in story-form. I got lost in her beloved world.

So why should you read this book? As an educator, this book is valuable because not only is it interesting but it gives insight as to what it is like for a child to grow up in poverty. Not only that but in addition to financial hardship, Ms. Sotomayor grew up with a father that was an alcoholic and she was diagnosed with Diabetes at a young age. Her determination to succeed is remarkable and a great reminder to all of us educators, that any child can rise up from difficult situations. While Ms. Sotomayor's inner strength helped her obtain her lifelong dream, it is important to remember that some children do not have this sense of perseverance. Everyone needs support and especially those that come rough backgrounds.

I hope you read this book soon or at least put it on your book list!

Happy Reading!